Wednesday, March 11, 2009


Yesterday I finished weaving on a pale pastel striped warp. It turned out to be a long sampler. I had hoped to discover a color scheme that I could stick with, but I was continually tempted to try different combinations. The threading was Joseph France Huckaback. I used two different treadlings, and often used a finer yarn for the tabby shots.
The parts I like the best would make good pillow coverings. I need to get my sewing machine going.
Photos of this sampler: it's funny how a photo lets you see the piece differently, more simply...

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About Me

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I was born in Massachusetts and grew up in the countryside west of Worcester. I was an art major in college, worked in human services for several years before studying to become an acupuncturist. I worked as a Doctor of Acupuncture in private practice in RI for about 10 years. I recently have begun weaving, spinning and designing projects for the loom.